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Milestones & Mentoring

Grading Circle


There are 2 ways of getting points in this course: Milestones (♦) and Mentoring. The first comprises 90% of the marks and the second 10%.


Milestones are marked as Pass/Fail. Each of the 6 milestones is worth 15 points for a total of 90 points. You may only test the next milestone (go up a level) only after you pass previous milestone (level).

1 Tools

Write a simple program in an editor, compile, link, and run the program. This includes downloading and installing the compiler and editor on your own computer (if you do not have a computer, you can request an alternate examination) and demonstrating the use of the debugger program.

2 UML (Universal Modelling Language)

Look a problem and write a possible solution to the problem using UML. Knowledge of the start symbol, activity symbol, flow symbol, comments, splitting, and parallel processing symbols is required.

3 Basic Program

Write a simple C language program making use of functions (written by himself, others and from the standard library).

4 VP-Diagrams

Draw VP diagrams for a short piece of ANSI-C code that makes use of functions, pointers, and variables.

5 Program flow

Write a function that conditional, repetition, with sequential flow.

6 Structures

Write programs using arrays or records.


Once you pass a Milestone (♦) you can become a mentor to others who have not yet passed a milestone. When they pass, you receive 0.5 points!

If you have not yet passed a milestone you cannot be a mentor.

C for Marking

struct DB{
   long int id;
   int prn;
   int ms[6];
   int mentor[6];
int mark(int id){
  int imilestone=1;
  int flgPass=0; // set to 1 in pass the milestone;
  double markMilestone=0,markMentor=0;
  while(passMileStone(id,imilestone)==1 && imilestone<=6){