AiYouLiLiang June 11, 2024 Update

Last week of classes.

This semester, the students in the class on Moses, Jesus, and Socrates have been engaged -- which is encouraging. Prayer Request: Boldly share the gospel in the last class.

July 2, will return to Canada for 1 month and take 2 children to Camp Cherith. Pray request: children meet Jesus.

Strongly felt God wanted me to start a Bible Study on Wednesday afternoon. Response was positive but the study only lasted for 3 weeks and is now finished as students face exam pressures. Not sure why God wanted this study to start this study for such a short time, but He is the Father.

Friday evening, 9:30 to 11:00 pm Bible study continues with 6 different countries represented but no Taiwanese attending. The attendees come after part-time work (Cram schools) or classes end. Taiwan is a busy place.

Thank God some churches are interested in connecting with students.

Johann has decided to attend the University of Toronto for music. Thank God for his mercy. From a seemingly dead-end with nowhere to go to university to acceptance at U of T. Thank God. I am unsure if he will stay in residence for the first semester. Again, please pray about this decision.

Aien graduated. She has started working at Moody Bible Institute and hopes to stay there for 1 year. My wife, Xiuman, attended her graduation to represent our family.

The couple living in my mother's house in Oakville will move out. Pray for wisdom as we seek a new occupant to share the house. If you have any suggestions...

