摩西← God's Willing to Have Close Relationships with Men: David →
(1.1) 為什麼要認識大衛Why Study?
- 歷史很重要Historically Import
- 音樂家Musician/Composer
- 與神緊密的關係Close relationship with God
- 為了我們:
- 我們如何與神有關係?How can we have such a relationship with God?
- 大衛有什麼特徵使他被上帝喜悅?What characteristics of David led to him being accepted by God?
- 上帝要求什麼?What does God require?
- 我們做羞恥的事兒的時候,怎麼處理?When we sin, what response is appropriate?
(2.1)上帝的智慧:膏牧羊人男孩God's Wisdom: Anoints a Shepherd
(2.2)上帝的帶領:牧羊 →牧國God Leads: Shepherd →King
(2.3)上帝的保護 →心歌音樂
God's Protects: Joyful Song
(2.4)與上帝有關係 →音樂與信心
詩篇23 Relationship →Faith
(2.5)上帝的要求 (面對自己的罪: 大衛相比亞當)God's Requirements (Facing Sin: David vs. Adam)
| 亞當
| 大衛
罪前: | 親密的關係 | 親密的關係
人婪,背叛父神: | 吃 | 通姦 & 謀殺
| 創世紀3 | 撒母耳記下12
上帝怎麼處理: | 你在哪里? | 故事
人的回應: | 不是我 | 是我,我有罪Ps51
結果: | 神與人分離 | 被饒恕,恢復關係
(3.1)你可以像大衛與神有親密關係 God wants to have relationship with all of us!
(3.2)...但我們必須承認我們的罪 but we need to be like David and admit our sin...
(3.3)小組討論 Small Group Time
- 你覺得為什麼人還唱3000年以前的歌? Why do you think David's music, written 3000 years ago, is still loved today?
例: 詩篇23
- 大衛和亞當有何不同?為什麼神饒恕大衛?What is different between David and Adam? Why does God forgive David?
- 你的爸爸媽媽原諒你的時候,你有什麼感覺?How did you feel when your parents forgiven you?
- 你有跟大衛做過相似的事兒嗎?Have you had a similar experience to David?
- 做錯事隱瞞事實?Try to cover up your sin/shame?
- 沒有人知道,可是你知道你做的不對。你的感覺怎麼樣?
Done something you know is wrong (hurt someone) but no one else knows? How do you feel inside?
- 你有像亞當一樣說:“如果他沒有。。。我就不會做錯。是他不是我應該被審判” 為什麼?Have you ever acted like Adam and 'shift the blame' when confronted? Why?
- 一起讀詩篇23篇Read Psalm 23
- 祝福禱告:用詩篇23篇祝福禱告Pray Psalm 23
- 注意事項:提醒繳交舊約報告Remember:reading report
- 邀請參加小樹苗Welcome: Lunch Discussion
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