HomePageAngels We Have Heard on High
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An-gels we have heard on high,
Sweet-ly sing-ing o'er the plains,
And the moun-tains in re-ply
Ech-o back their joy-ous strains.
Glo - - - - - - - - - - - - ri-a,
in ex-cel-sis De-o! (2X)
Shep-herds, why this ju-bil-lee?
Why your joy-ous strains pro-long?
Say what may the ti-dings be,
Which in-spire your heav-n-ly song?
Come to Beth-le-hem and see
Him whose birth the an-gels sing;
Come, a-dore on bend-ed knee
Christ the Lord, the new-born King.
See with-in a man-ger laid
Je-sus, Lord of heav-n and earth!
Ma-ry, Jo-seph, lend your aid,
With us sing our Sav-iour's birth