HomePageJesus, Our Saviour, Word Incarnate
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Je-sus came down here, God's love for man,
The Word to save us, in-car-na-ted,
An-gels sang prais-es, Prais'd his de-scent
God's grace tru-ly vast, sur-pass-ing the sea!
When Je-sus was born, shep-herds re-joiced,
Left for Beth-le-hem, to greet the child,
Re-turn'd full of joy, to pro-claim His birth
The whole town re-joiced, the Christ had arrived
He came to the world, gran-ting men peace,
Shelter a man-ger, si-lent that night,
We are thank-ful, to hear this good news,
Fol-low the wise-men, in off'ring our hearts
Praise for His birth, thou-sands re-joice,
We have now re-ceiv'd, rights of a child,
Our life now has hope, e-ver-last-ing life
Hap-py and joy-ful, safe in his grace.

Lyrics (Tr. English): Brother Jon