On-ly be-cause we are fel-low pil-grims
we have the same ex-per-i-ence
On-ly be-cause we are fel-low pil-grims
we have the same de-sires,
Vic-tor-ies and hard-ships
On-ly fel-low pil-grims are close,
weep-ing and re-joic-ing,
;On-ly fel-low pil-grims are true
Thanks to God he leads us in the true way,
so we are fel-low pil-grims
From our hearts ex-plodes the same wor-ship songs
sing-ing praise for sal-va-tion
Our souls have been knit to-ge-ther
Fel-low pil-grims with the same heart,
True hope for the e-ter-nal king-dom
is for-e-ver ours