HomePageCome Thou Long-Expected Jesus
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Come, Thou long-expected Jesus ♫♫

Come, Thou long - ex-pect-ed Je-sus,
Born to set Thy peo-ple free;
From our fears and sins re-lease us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Is-rael's Strength and Con-so-la-tion,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear De-sire of ev-'ry na-tion,
Joy of ev-'ry long-ing heart.
Born, Thy peo-ple to de-liv-er,
Born a child and yet a King.
Born to reign in us for-ev-er,
Now Thy gra-cious King-dom bring.
By Thine own e-ter-nal Spir-it
Rule in all our hearts a-lone;
By Thine all suf-fi-cient mer-it,
Raise us to Thy glo-rious throne.