HomePagePsalm 34 Let us Exult His Name
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(Psalm 34) ♫♫

1 (v1,2)
At all times I will bless Him  His praise will be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord.
The hum-ble man will hear of Him  the af-flict-ed will be glad.
And join with me to mag-ni-fy the Lord.
0 (v4,3)
Let us ex-alt His Name to-geth-er for-ev-er.
I sought the Lord  He heard me and de-liv-ered me from my fears.
Let us ex-alt His name to-geth-er for-ev-er.
Oh, sing His prais-es, mag-ni-fy the Lord.
2 (v7,10)
The an-gel of the Lord encamps 'round those who fear his name.
To save them and de-liver them from harm.
Though li-ons roar with hun-ger, we lack for no good thing.
No won-der, then, we praise Him with our song.
3 (v11,12,13,14,15,17)
Come chil-dren, now and hear me if you would see long life.
Just keep your lips from wicked-ness and lies.
Do good and turn from e-vil  seek peace in-stead of strife.
Love right-eous-ness and God will hear your cry.