
SDBA §12.4 Turing Machine Simulator
Written in ANSI-C

User Guide

  1. (Online) Download/Copy the compiled simulator (sample controllers and tapes included)
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Click on tm.exe to run program.
  4. Enter the name of a controller file. Sample controllers included in download:
  5. Enter the name of the file containing the tape. Sample tape files included in download:
  6. Hit return repeatedly and the simulator will run line-by-line.


  1. Visit SDBA website for additional controllers.
  2. 2. For a full description and explanation of Turing Machines, please see the textbook.
  3. View the ANSI-C Source Code of the simulator.
  4. All controllers and Tapes are written in ASCII so you can open and look at the code.