L6 Two Dimensional Kinematics

2D Projectile Motion: 2015.09.27 Moving Ping Pong Ball at party at Neili De-sheng Church for 3+1 students Johann White Problem Solving Strategy: t is the connection

⚿ Projectile Motion 抛运动Pāo yùndòng

⚿ Linear ↔ Relative Motion

⚿ Pure Circular Motion (vr=0)

PHET Simulation Ladybug rotation Trad Chinese English


Key Relationships

$$ \omega (t) = { { d \, \theta (t) } \over { d \, t} } $$ $$ \alpha (t) = { { d \, \omega (t) } \over { d \, t} } $$
$$ \omega (t) = \int { \alpha (t) \, dt } $$ $$ \theta (t) = \int { \omega (t) \, dt } $$

Linear ↔ Rotational Quantities

s(t) = r θ(t)vt(t) = ω(t) r
ar = vt 2 / r at = α r

Special case of α(t) = 0

Today's Lecture: Knight Chapter 4 Powerpoints

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com