L9 Dynamics I: 1D Motion

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  1. Status of Students To Date (Marks)
  2. Knight Chapter 5 Lecture Slides From Slide 58(103) OR Slide 71(104)
    Forces in 1 Dimension
    Forces in 1D
  3. Drawing Free Body Force Diagrams: From different student perspectives

Main Lecture

  1. Equilibrium ( Δ v = 0 )
    • static v = 0
    • dynamic v ≠ f(t)
  2. Connecting dynamics and kinematics
    free-body diagramsmotion diagrams
  3. Friction (opposes motion)
    • fs static (fs < μs n )
    • fk kinetic
    • fr rolling
  4. Chapter 6 Dynamics I: Lecture Slides To Slide 6-53

Lunar Lander
(Rocket Problem)
Gravity Force Lab
(with students)
The Ramp
The Ramp (Friction Problem)

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com