L24 傳輸波 Travelling Waves




  1. 好消息 News: Test Results for MS#3 (see previous lecture)
  2. Homework: SHM (Bobble Heads)
  3. The Link: RotationOscillationWaves (PHeT)
  4. What is a Wave? (15')

Key Ideas

Wave Speed (≠ Speed of Particles in Medium)
$$ \, v_{w,string}= \sqrt { T_s \over \mu } \, $$ $$ \, v_{w,light} = \sqrt { 1 \over \mu \epsilon } = { c \over n } \, $$ $$ \, v_{w,sound} = \sqrt { K_s \over \rho } \, $$
Special Case: SHM → Sinusoidal Waves
$$ D(\vec r,t) = A \, \sin ( \,+ \vec k \cdot \vec r \, - \, \omega t \, + \, \phi_o ) \, (positive \, direction) \,$$
$$ D(\vec r,t) = A \, \sin ( \,+ \vec k \cdot \vec r \, + \, \omega t \, + \, \phi_o ) \, (negative \, direction) \,$$
$$ \, \lambda ={ v_{w} \over f } \,\,\,\, \, \omega = | k | \, v_{w} $$ $$ \, | k |= {2 \pi \over \lambda} \, $$ $$ \, \omega = { 2 \pi f } = { 2 \pi \over T } \, $$

Doppler Effect on Frequency (medium)
$$ \, {f_r} = \left ( {{ v+ v_r } \over {v - v_s}} \right ) {f_s} \, $$
v: speed of waves in the medium (equation above)
vr: speed of receiver wrt medium; +ve (-ve) for receiver moving towards (away from) the source
vs: speed of the source wrt medium; +ve (-ve) for source moving towards (away from) the receiver
EM/light (no medium): Relativistic_Doppler_effect

ViewGraphs: Travelling Waves (Ref" Knight Chapter 16) (103-1: end slide 23; 104-1: end slide 55 108-1 to end)

  1. 1D Wave Description (waves on strings)
    • wave speed (v)
    • Lateral (⊥) ↔ Longitudinal (∥)
    • Displacement D(x,t), Particle Velocity dD/dt(x=C,t)
    • Sinusoidal Waves
  2. Nature of Sound & Light
  3. 2D and 3D Waves
  4. Power and Intensity (decibels)
  5. Doppler Effect (Introduce with Simulations)

Supporting Simulations

Wave on a String
Waves On String
Sound Waves
and Doppler
Doppler Shift Demonstrator
Doppler Shift

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com