L25 波 Superposition

Superposition of 2 Waves on a String

🔑 Superposition: Dtotal(r,t) = Σ Di(r,t)

e.g. if 2 waves, we have wave interference
D1(x,t) = A1 cos(k1x - ω1 t)
D2(x,t) = A2 cos(k2x - ω2 t)
Below we assume A2=A1
k2 = k1, ω2 = - ω1
→ Standing Waves
k2 = k1, ω2 = + ω1
→ Interference
k2 ~ k1, ω2 ~ + ω1
→ Beats

Standing Waves & Resonance Effect

ViewGraphs: Knight Chapter 17

Normal Modes
Normal Modes
(Standing Waves)
Sound Waves

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com