PBL-5 Introduction to Waves

Demo Models: Particle and Wave from Energy and Mass Transfer Perspective

Particle Model
(Energy + Mass Transferred)
Wave Model
(Energy, No Mass Transferred)
  • Point (m, vcm)
  • Extended Body (I, ω)
  • Longitudinal
  • Transverse

Problem Based Learning: General Instructions

在這個單元,你要處理基本電子在一個物理學領域的模擬實驗,在你開始作答問題前,玩玩看每個模擬實驗,熟悉每個模擬實驗的操作,並利用這些模擬來回答問題。 In this activity, you will perform virtual experiments with public domain physics simulations dealing with Waves. Before you start answering the questions, play with the simulation. Get familiar with each of the different effects and buttons of the animations. Utilize the tabs

  1. 兩人一組. Work together with one other student as a Rally Car Racing Team. Takes turns with one partner as the navigator and the other as the driver.
  2. 打開這個網頁 Goto: to access links to simulations.
  3. 下載題目 Download Worksheet [PDF] & 印出來 Print
  4. 執行模擬器 Run simulations in both languages so you can learn both the English and its Chinese equivalent.
  5. 回答問題 Answer questions and perform the experiments suggested in the worksheet
  6. 可問助教 If questions, please ask the Tutor
  7. 一組繳交一份題目,寫上組別成員學號及姓名 Each group should hand in one set of worksheets.

Links to Simulations: Rotation ↔ Waves

  1. Rotation→Oscillation→Waves    迴轉→振盪→波浪 Huízhuǎn→zhèndàng→bōlàng  
  2. From Waves (Water, Sound, Light) to interference    波浪的遊戲Bōlàng de yóuxì

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com