
普通物理成績 Physics: Grading
Program (Mark Data, MustSee Data) → Overall Marks


A. How is the course marked?

1. Allocation

Item & MarksSub-ItemExamples 例如
Pre-Test 前考 ∑MPRE=0% OR ∑MPRE=100% 95%10%20%0%
Classwork and Homework ∑MC=45%
C1 讀預測試 Pre-Reading Quizes ∑=5% (on-line,phone,每堂題目十分鐘,課前寫完了) 0%100% 0%0%
C2 平時成績/本子 Class/Notebook ∑=10% 0%100% 0%0%
C3 PBL ∑=20% (一起在電腦室) 0%100% 0%0%
C4 作業成績 Homework ∑=10% (on-line,課後一個星期結束) 0%100%25%0%
Milestones ∑MS=55%
MM 四個項目名稱
Four Milestones weighted low to high
(wmin=10.0 - wmidl=12.5 - wmidh=15.0 - wmax=17.5)
M1 Mechanics/Thermodynamics 0%30% 80%0%
M2 Energy/Electrostatics Theory 0%60% 50%0%
M3 Rotations/Electrostatics Application 0%20% 40%0%
M4 Waves/Magnetism 0%50% 90%0%

2. Algorithm to Calculate your marks

001 Order milestone marks M1 to M4 from smallest to largest: MSmin, MSmidl, MSmidh, MSmax
002 MM  =( wmin*MSmin 
	+ wmidl*MSmidl 
	+ wmidh*MSmidh 
	+ wmax*MSmax  ) / ∑MS  /* Milestones: Multiply by weight factor*/
003 MC = wC1*C1 + wC2*C2 + wC3*C3 + wC4*C4  /  (1-∑MS)  /* Class room component.*/
004 MALL= (1-∑MS)*MC + ∑MS*MM /* Add weighted class marks to weighted total MM*/
005 Final = max(MPRE,MALL,MM)  /* Choose Highest Mark */

3. Examples

Link to Example OpenOffice 4.0 Spreadsheet (not editable in Excel) Link to Example Spreadsheet (editable in Excel)
Use the above tables to calculate "what-if" scenarios for your marks. E.g. "what-if" I attend all classes...

B. What is my mark?

View Overall Class Marks Class(htm)

Use the Mark Database to see Detailed Marks for Individual and which Milestones not Passed...

  1. Download the RAW mark database (UTF-8) and Access Program
  2. Open folder in Windows
  3. Double click on mark.exe to access database.
  4. Allow the Windows to run the program.
  5. Select the type of Query your wish to do, e.g. Personal or whole class
  6. Your results to date are in the file query.csv (UTF-8) If you chose to download whole class marks, results are also in file mark.htm
  7. If you click query.csv> it will load into a spreadsheet program.
  8. (If you want to see the raw marks, then just click on mark.csv)

C How is my attendance/class participation record?

Based on your class participation include Quiz scores

D Bonus Marks

All students eligable:

Find an error in my presentations and correct me

Select Students eligable:

Present the solution to a problem (given by the teacher) to fellow students. There will be a maximum of 5 bonus points awarded. The following is how points are awarded:
- Clear statement of the problem (Recommend use computer): 1 point
- Clear picture of the problem (Draw on board or use computer): 1 point
- Clear and correct step by step solution (On blackboard or computer) : 2 points
- Presentation (voice) quality: 1 points
Unless otherwise stated, each problem presentation is allocated 5 minutes. Try to keep within the allowed amount of time. Language can be either English or Chinese (student choice)

E How to do well in the class?

Before class:

Read the chapter. Complete the Pre-Reading Homework

During class:

Take Notes

After class:

  1. Form a small study group (3-4 friends).
  2. Complete the homework independently.
  3. Meet and discuss your answers
  4. Modify your homework
  5. Submit online.

Appendix C: Advice about course structure [odp]   [pdf]

Jonathon David White  – With a Servant’s Heart – 白小明