(ne09) Drawing Q, E & V

Charges and Fields
Fields and Potentials Hand-Draw Line Charges Hand-Draw Components

Key Concepts

Electric field (E) Lines

  1. Start at a positive (+) charge
  2. End at a negative (−) charge
  3. Separation between lines reflects the strength of the field.
    (closer together → stronger field)
  4. Electric Field (E) lines must have arrows to show direction

Equi-Potential Surfaces (3D), Lines (2D) (V=constant)

  1. No direction
  2. Perpendicular (⟂) to E
  3. Potential at infinity set to zero (V(∞)=0).
  4. closer together → more rapid ΔV, higher E

Steps in Using Simulation

  1. Place charges on the screen.
  2. Observe the e-field vectors
  3. Use the tool to draw equi-potential lines with constant ΔV
  4. Write the value of the potential (V=??) on each line
  5. Add sensors (+ test charge) to show the electric field vectors.
  6. Draw the electric field

Facilitating Videos ‐ Guiding you as you practice on YouTube

Drawing Q, E and V Diagrams (Part 1)
In this series of videos, the student is guided in the drawing of Electric field lines and equipotential surfaces for a variety of charge distributions starting with single isolated charges, dipoles, ion traps, lines of charges and finally antennas.   
In viewing, please follow along on http://www.aizhu.com/xiaotu/tea/physics/ne09.htm.

NOTE: These videos make use of the HTML5 PHeT simulation "charges-and-fields".
  1. Introduction, Single Charges, Preparing to Solve for Dipoles
  2. Dipoles to Line of Charge
  3. Lines of Charges to Batteries and Antennas
  4. Antennas -- Q, V, E and Light!

Practice (Use PhET Simulation as Aid)

Fill in Hand-out

  1. Using the simulation as an aid, please complete electric field (E) and equi-potential (V=const) lines for each of the pictures.
  2. Hand in at the begining of next class if you cannot finish in class.

  1. Basic Single Charges
    1. single positive (+)
    2. single negative (−)
    3. dipole (+ & −)
    4. two positive (+)
    5. triangle of positive (+)
    6. square of positive (+) charges (+ ion trap)

  2. Lines of Charges
    1. line of negative (−) charge
    2. line of charge + single negative (−) charge
    3. line of charge + single positive (+) charge

  3. Batteries, Antennas, Capacitors
    1. battery
    2. battery with wire
    3. battery with antenna, broken circuit
    4. battery with antenna,complete circuit

  /   教學   /   物理   baixiaoming AT gmail.com