PBL-1 Kinematics (motion)    

In this activity, you will perform virtual experiments with three different public domain physics simulations dealing with Motion (technical word for the study of motion is Kinematics). Before you start answering the questions, play with each simulation. Get familiar with each of the different effects and buttons of the animations. Where there are tabs, utilize them. 在這項活動中,您將執行涉及運動的三種不同的公共領域物理模擬執行虛擬實驗 (運動研究的專業術語是運動學)。在你開始作答問題前,玩玩看每個模擬實驗,熟悉動畫的每個不同效果和按鈕,並且利用所有的標籤。

For this self-guided learning activity,

  1. Work together as a Rally Car Racing Team. One partner will play the role of navigator and the other the role of driver. 組成兩人一組的接力賽車隊,一個搭檔是導航員,另一個是駕駛員。
  2. Goto 開這個網頁:
  3. Download 下載 Worksheet 題目 [PDF] & Print 印出來
  4. Run the simulations together, following the order in the worksheet. Run both English and Chinese simultaneously, so you can learn both English and Chinese vocabulary. 點擊 English 來執行英語模擬,點擊 中文 來執行中文模擬。兩種語言都使用 (每台電腦上上使用一種語言),這樣你就可以學到相等的英文和中文。
  5. If questions, please ask the Tutor.如果有問題,請問助教
  6. Each group should hand in one set of worksheets at the end of class. 一組繳交一份答題,以及相應的小組成員的姓名和學生編號。

Links to Simulations

Part 1  1D Motion 一維運動:   Moving Man   旅人

Part 2  2D Motion 二維運動:   LadyBug   瓢蟲

Part 3  2D Motion 二維運動:   Projectiles   拋射

Part 4  2D Motion 二維運動:   Rotations   旋轉運動

Part 5  2D Motion 二維運動:   Maze Game   迷宮遊戲

  /   物理  J D White (白小明)
baixiaoming AT gmail.com
Public Domain