PBL Playing with Thermodynamics

在這個單元,你要處理基本 熱力學(研究热,功和机械能之间的关系)的模擬實驗。在你開始作答問題前,玩玩看每個模擬實驗,熟悉每個模擬實驗的操作,並利用這些模擬來回答問題。熟悉中文和英文版本。 這將幫助您學習與物理學有關的英語詞彙。

In this activity, you will perform virtual experiments with a public domain physics simulations dealing with Thermodynamics (The study of the relationships between heat, work, and mechanical energy.) Before you start answering the questions, play with each simulation to get familiar with each of available buttons. Familiarize yourself with both Chinese and English versions. This will help you to learn English vocabulary related to physics.

  1. 打開這個網頁 Goto:
  2. 下載 Download Worksheet 題目 [PDF] & 印出來 Print it Out.
  3. 執行模擬器,回答問題。 不要只看維基百科和教科書。 Based on the simulations and videos, fill in the worksheet. You do not need to consult Wikipedia or textbooks!
    • 二人一組     2 students/group: Driver and Navigator (Work Together not Independently)
    • 一組一電     Each group uses only one computer.
    • 一組一份     一組繳交一份題目,寫上組別成員學號及姓名 One group, one worksheet.
    • 一模二語     以中英文運行模擬, Run simulations in both languages.
    • 可問助教     Discuss with TA when needed

  1. States of Matter (English)
    States of Matter
  2. Phase Diagrams & States of Matter (English Only)
    Wikipedia Phase Diagram
  3. Gas Properties (English)
    Gas Properties
  4. Energy Conversion (English)
    Energy Forms & Conversion
  5. Energy Conversion & Heat Engines (English Only)

      /   物理   /   PBL   baixiaoming AT gmail.com