תָּנָ״ךְ Tanakh (旧约Jiùyuē)

律法书lǜfǎ shū Torah (The Law) תּוֹרָה

Gn 世记chuàngshìjì Genesis

Ex 埃及记chūāijíjì Exodus

Lv 未记lìwèijì Leviticus

Nm 数记mínshùjì Numbers

Dt 命记shēnmìngjì Deuteronomy

先知书xiānzhī shū Neviʾim (Prophets) נְבִיאִים

The Former Prophets נביאים ראשונים

Js 书亚记yuēshūyǎjì Joshua

Jg 师记shìshī jì Judges

1Sm 母耳记sāmǔěrjìshàng Samuel (Scroll 1)

2Sm 母耳记sāmǔěrjìxià Samuel (Scroll 2)

1Kn 列lièwángjìshàng Kings (Scroll 1)

2Kn 列lièwángjìxià Kings (Scroll 2)

The Latter Prophets נביאים אחרונים

Is 以亚书yǐsàiyǎshū Isaiah

Jr 利米书yēlìmǐshū Jeremiah

Ek 以西yǐxījiéshū Ezekiel

十二Shí'èr The Twelve תרי עש

Hs 西阿书héxīāshū Hosea

Jl 约yuēěrshū Joel

Am 阿司书āmósīshū Amos

Ob 巴底亚书èbādǐyǎ shū Obadiah

Jn 约yuēnáshū Jonah

Mc 迦书míjiāshū Micah

Na鸿nàhóngshū Nahum

Hk 巴谷书hābāgǔshū Habakkuk

Zp 西雅书xīfānyǎ shū Zephaniah

Hg 哈hāgāishū Haggai

Zc 撒迦利sǎjiālìyǎ shū Zechariah

Ml 拉基书mǎlājīshū Malachi

诗歌智慧书shīgē zhìhuì shū Ketuvim (Writings) כְּתוּבִים

Ps shīpiān Psalms

Pr zhēnyán Proverbs

Jb 伯记yuēbójì Job

Sn 雅yǎgē Song of Songs

Rt 路lùdéjì Ruth

Lm 耶利米yēlìmǐāigē Lamentations

Ec 道书chuándàoshū Ecclesiastes

Es 以帖记yǐsītiējì Esther

Dn 以理书dànyǐlǐshū Daniel

Ez 以斯yǐsīlājì Ezra

Nh 希米记níxīmǐjì Nehemiah

1Ch 历代志lìdàizhìshàng Chronicles (Scroll 1)

2Ch 历lìdàizhìxià Chronicles (Scroll 2)

1. A book's home directory is identified by the first letter of its English name plus the following consonant with a few exceptions
2. In Chinese, books are specified by the first unique character in their name.
3. In Chinese texts, an '*' after a character indicates that the original character is not part of the standard gbk character set of simplified Chinese. It has been replaced with a "similar" character