英 :KJV
英 :BBE
英 :WEB
תּוֹרָה Torah (The Law)
律法書lǜfǎ shū
創 世記chuàngshìjì
G en esis
出 埃及記chūāijíjì
Ex odus
利 未記lìwèijì
L ev iticus
民 數記mínshùjì
N um bers
申 命記shēnmìngjì
D eut eronomy
נְבִיאִים Neviʾim (Prophets)
先知書xiānzhī shū
נביאים ראשונים Former
約 書亞記yuēshūyǎjì
J os hua
士 師記shìshī jì
J udg es
撒 母耳記上 sāmǔěrjìshàng
S am uel (Scroll 1 )
撒 母耳記下 sāmǔěrjìxià
S am uel (Scroll 2 )
列王 紀上 lièwángjìshàng
K in gs (Scroll 1 )
列王 紀下 lièwángjìxià
K in gs (Scroll 2 )
נביאים אחרונים Latter
以賽 亞書yǐsàiyǎshū
Is aiah
耶 利米書yēlìmǐshū
J er emiah
以西結 書yǐxījiéshū
E zek iel
תרי עש The Twelve
何 西阿書héxīāshū
H os ea
約珥 書yuēěrshū
J oel
阿摩 司書āmósīshū
Am os
俄 巴底亞書èbādǐyǎ shū
Ob adiah
約拿 書yuēnáshū
J on ah
彌 迦書míjiāshū
M ic ah
那鴻 書nàhóngshū
N a hum
哈 巴谷書hābāgǔshū
H abak kuk
西番 雅書xīfānyǎ shū
Z ep haniah
哈該 書hāgāishū
H ag gai
撒迦利亞 書sǎjiālìyǎ shū
Z ec hariah
瑪 拉基書mǎlājīshū
M al achi
כְּתוּבִים Ketuvim (Writings)
詩歌智慧書shīgē zhìhuì shū
詩 篇shīpiān
Ps alms
箴 言zhēnyán
Pr overbs
約 伯記yuēbójì
J ob
雅歌 yǎgē
S on g of Songs
路得 記lùdéjì
R ut h
耶利米哀 歌yēlìmǐāigē
L am entations
Ec 傳 道書chuándàoshū Ecclesiastes
Es 以斯 帖記yǐsītiējì Esther
Dn 但 以理書dànyǐlǐshū Daniel
Ez 以斯拉 記yǐsīlājì Ezra
Nh 尼 希米記níxīmǐjì Nehemiah
1Ch 曆代 代志上 lìdàizhìshàng Chronicles (Scroll 1)
2Ch 曆代 志下 lìdàizhìxià Chronicles (Scroll 2)
1. Book shortform : Books are specified by the first character in their name, plus,
in English, the following consonant. Exceptions are marked in red.
2. Missing characters: In CUVs, an '*' after a character indicates that the original character cannot be encoded in gbk (simplified Chinese). It has been replaced with a similar character.
Courtesy www.AiZhu.com — "With a Servant's Heart" — info@aizhu.com