qrcode "Because the Past Influences the Present"
Goal: To enable Taiwanese students to see through the eyes of Westerners

Group Presentation Form

Student Section (Due Week 8)

Group Members
Student ID Student NameRole¹Contribution¹

Requested Biography

Instructor Section

Submission Date & TimeGroup #Assigned Book/TopicPresentation Order
/     /     @     :

Book Does the presentation closely follow and cite the book/life story?²5
Content Have the speakers covered this person's life story?3
Is this person's contribution to society clearly presented?3
Is the influence of the classics³ on this person's thinking clear?3
Present Are the slides of high quality? [no ok yes]2
Can it be heard clearly? [no ok yes]2
Correct length? (Book: 11±2'   Video: 5±1')   start:         stop:2

1. Fill in at the time of presentation
2. For film introduction: ZERO (0) marks will be awarded. Maximum marks for video intro is 15/20.
3. The classics: Moses, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Jesus