
Instructor Support Materials
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Viewgraphs and Animations as EXE files

Using the Viewgraphs

These viewgraphs are provided in the PPS format(directory pps) and can be displayed using the free Microsoft Powerpoint viewer. The order in which the authors show the viewgraphs (i.e. lecture sequence) in our class and the approximate time taken in explaining each module is outlined in the file VGusage.pdf. These files link to Flash animations (directory animate), executable versions of the source code (directory exe), and Chinese language files (directory chinese)

All viewgraphs can be accessed from the main module 00over.pps.Thus I suggest that one can start each lecture from this module. In order for this file to be opened by Microsoft Powerpoint, it is better to start from the prompt you got when you inserted the Teacher CD and select the Powerpoint option.

Arrows or "Next-up" slides at the end of each module link to the next module, allowing for easy sequencing. "Forks" in the road (shown at the bottom right of a viewgraph)allow modules that may be skipped without loss of the overall flow. As is usual practice, we request that you give students neither softcopy nor hardcopy of a complete set of these viewgraphs.(From our experience, giving students copies of the viewgraphs tend to make them less alert in class.)

In addition, we would greatly appreciate it if you could make us aware of any errors or shortcomings of these viewgraphs. For this you may contact us by simply clicking on the author's name at the bottom of this page.

Linking to animations

Links (majority are on the website) are included in the viewgraphs where useful. As in the textbook, the existence of an animation is also indicated symbolically at the appropriate place by one of the following symbols:

conceptrole-playcode-flowVP diagramgeneral
concept roleplay codeflow vpdiagram general

While many animations have the option of single stepping or automatic play, through the use of arrows on the screen, the remaining animations may be paused during play (to allow the instructor to clarify a salient point) by a right-mouse-click and deselecting Play. Play can then be restarted by another right-mouse-click. For role-play animations in particular, we suggest that the teacher first view the animation him/herself and allow students themselves to roleplay in class with the instructor as the conductor.

Viewgraphs by module

The following is a complete listing of the modules. The file name for each module are formatted by the chapter number(in base 16), section number, topic being addressed, and finally the sub-section number in the textbook. For example the file 13ptr1.pps represents the viewgraphs for Chapter 1 §3 on pointers subsection 1. Except where noted (extension stated explicitly), files are in PPS format. The files (not in PPS format) are animations that are accessed by hyperlink from the PPS viewgraphs that do not appear on the student CD.

Testing and Timelines