亞伯拉罕: 立約與關係 (信靠順服)
Abraham & Covenants


複習與概貌 Review & Overview

  1. 🔑A Key
  2. 回顧 Looking back to the Beginning by 中國字
    • face2face the promise of the beginning: face-to-face conversation with Father/God
    • 罪 Sin: Nature & consequences (big or small same)
  3. 關於聖經和它的作者 The Book and the Author
    • 神與人交往的故事 Story of God's interactions with men
    • 上帝救贖的故事 Story of God working to restore creation
  4. 我們的目標 Goals
    • To see how God worked with men → implications for us
    • To understand what pleases God → we might know him
    • → 恢復關係(父親和兒子) Restore the relationship.
  5. 3 men (not perfect) who played key roles in God's plan to 恢復關係
    • 亞伯拉罕 2100 BC 國之父 Abraham - 2100 BC : Father of Nations (claimed by Judaism, Christianity, Islam.
    • 摩西 1600 BC: Moses - 1600 BC: Leading people out of slavery, Laws for a nation
    • 大衛 1200 BC 牧羊人 →王 David - 1200 BC: Shepherd → king (『他是合我心意的人』 Ac13#22)

亞伯拉罕 Abraham

  1. Many years have passed since creation.
  2. God continues his plan and starts to work through a family
  3. 亞伯拉罕的生命 Abraham's Life (創世記)
    Overview (English) 26 min (local (26 min))
    亞伯拉罕 & 艾薩克(中文) 20 min
  4. 三個觀察從亞伯拉罕的生命 Three Observations from Abraham's Life
    1. 上帝的要求: 信靠順服 (God's desire: Trust Me!)
      • eg 1. 開始 (First Call): 創世記12#1-4a
      • eg 2. 終極測試 (ultimate Test): 創世記22#2
      • 亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此為他的義。(創世記15#6) And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness. (Gen 15#6)
      • 「亞伯拉罕信神,這就算為他的義。」他又得稱為神的朋友。 (雅各书2#23) "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." And so he was called God's friend. (James 2#23)
    2. 上帝是可靠的 (God is reliable)
    3. 長期(終生)的關係 (God's timeline: long term relationship) → Jesus
    4. 上帝祝福我們,為了使我們祝福別人 God blesses so we can bless others. (地上的萬族都要因你得福 。創世記12#3)
  5. 立約 Covenant (創世記15)
    • 立約與關係 Covenant & Relationship (all relationships imply covenant)
    • 契約性質 Custom of Covenant
    • 這有什麼奇怪? What is strange?

小組討論 Small group discussion

  1. 你生命中最重要的關係是與誰?What is the most significant relationship in your life?
  2. 為什麼這個關係很重要? Why is this relationship important to you?
  3. 你會如何形容你與神的關係? How would you describe your relationship with God? Enemy - None - slave:master - son:father
  4. 你對上帝與亞伯拉罕的關係的印象? What is your impression of God's relationship with Abraham?
  5. 如果可能的話,你想有一個類似的關係? Would you like to have a similar relationship with God as Abraham did?

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