qrcode "Because the Past Influences the Present"
Goal: To enable Taiwanese students to see through the eyes of Westerners

The Classics and Their Impact


Jonathon White's view of the Classics

The Key Literature

  1. Torah 律法書 (Moses, 1400BC) Required Reading: Beginnings by Moses
  2. Greek Classics (Homer, Plato, Aristotle, 500BC) including Plato's dialogues on the Death of Socrates, i.e. Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. 申辩篇, 克里同篇,斐多篇 Required Reading: Apology
  3. Injil 福音書 (concerning Jesus, 1AD) Required Reading: Luke's Gospel

Influenced, Influencing, Influential Lives



Musicians (Composers)


* indicates book written at a reading level is suitable for native speakers aged 9 to 14 years old (小四到國二). Other books are written with university level English.

** YZU Students: Links to all books in the library are also on the portal!

Influenced & Influencing: Videos of Influential Lives

Influenced & Influencing: Effect on Individuals Today