"Because Language is more than Grammar 因語言超過語法"
Our Mission: To Enable Non-Native English Speakers to Speak, Write & Publish Like a Native Speaker

About Us: Jonathon David White (白小明)


Born and raised in the small town of Oakville, Canada, I have since lived in many other countries. After obtaining my Ph.D.from McMaster University, Canada, I moved to Asia to start my career. Since then I have worked/ taught in China (青岛海洋大学   &   西安光机所), Japan (Fuji Electric & KAST), Malaysia (Multimedia University) before moving to Taiwan in 2003 to become a Professor in the College of Electrical and Communication Engineering at Yuan Ze University 元智大学 where I am currently teaching this course.

Even during my undergraduate days at McMaster University, I already had a cosmopolitan outlook on life, being active in the Chinese Christian Fellowship. In Taiwan, I met and married Sharon Wu (吴秀满). My wife and I have two daughters, Charity Grace (爱恩) and Ruth Ann (亮恩), and two sons, Johann (又恩) and Leon (力恩). If you are interested in more of my family's story, including God's mercy in helping my wife triumph over breast cancer, you can read more about our love story here. You can also view a documentary shown on GoodTV of my wife's life story on YouTube.

During my career I have authored 60 scientific papers and collaborated on three textbooks. The first entitled "Structuring Data and Building Algorithms -- an ANSI-C Based Approach" was published by McGraw-Hill and the second "Research Communication: EFL for Scientists and Engineers" is featured on this website. In 2017, "Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond" was published by McGraw-Hill International Enterprises, LLC, Taiwan Branch