"Because Language is more than Grammar 因語言超過語法"
Our Mission: To Enable Non-Native English Speakers to Speak, Write & Publish Like a Native Speaker

About Us

After completing doctoral studies at McMaster University in Canada, I moved to Asia to serve in Research Institutes and Universities in China, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan. As well as publishing over 60 scientific papers in the areas of Physics, Optics and Materials Science, I have taught courses on Research Communication in China and Taiwan... aboutus



With accompanying audio and animated viewgraphs, "Research Communication: EFL for Scientists & Engineers" guides you and your students, using the communicative methodology, in developing your English capabilities in each of the four aspects of scientific communication (listening, reading, speaking and writing) so that...

Research Communication: A Textbook

Editing Services

The final step in preparing a manuscript is having it edited by a native speaker. I will personally review your manuscipt and carefully correct errors in spelling, grammar, or word choice. In addition, I will offer suggestions on how to better organize your paper. After editing, the language in your paper or report will be of suitable quality for publication.

The Final Step: Native Speaker Editing Read more