"Because Language is more than Grammar 因語言超過語法"
Our Mission: To Enable Non-Native English Speakers to Speak & Publish Like a Native Speaker

Basic Written Evaluation: Reading Speed


Students are required to read four articles in their field of choice and submit a screen shot of the final writing score.


  1. If in computer room, sit in your assigned seat (LAST 2 DIGITS OF YOUR STUDENT ID) pdf ods
  2. Prepare the software
  3. Read the instructions. After reading the instructions press CONTINUE>>.
  4. From the Course Menu choose:
  5. Starting with the first article, sequentially read all four articles of the exam paper.
  6. Hands off the mouse when reading the articles. DON'T TOUCH THE MOUSE. Do not use browser back buttons
  7. After reading the article, select the correct answer to each question with the mouse.
  8. When you are finished reading all the articles, take a screen shot of the final score and upload it. Here is how to do it on a computer using the MS-Windows operating system.
    1. Press "Prt Sc".
    2. 田 Paint
    3. CTRL-V
    4. CTRL-S (filename is your student ID Number)
    5. Upload to Portal (at YZU)
  9. Enter your reading speed results


Submission Guidelines (Computer Room)

Submission Guidelines (from home, if lockdown)