"Because Language is more than Grammar 因語言超過語法"
Our Mission: To Enable Non-Native English Speakers to Speak & Publish Like a Native Speaker

Basic Written Skills: Personal Correspondence & Reading Scientific Literature M2D

Pie graph for grading

Chapter 4. Correspondence (1:1 Communication)



Evaluation (total 50 pnts)

Chapter 5. Reading Scientific Literature



Evaluation (total 50 pnts)

Supporting Material

Time Line

§Topic 主題Week 週
1Introduction to course, classmates and teacher (selective)  (pptx) 11
Chapter 4 Correspondence (1:1 Communication)
4.1§4 Overview (pptx)12
4.2Purpose and Types (pptx)12
4.3The Writing Process: Prewriting & Cluster Diagrams
with Application to Personal Letters (pptx)
4.4Editing Your First Draft (pptx)35
4.5Business Letters: Cover Letters & Resumes (pptx)46
4.1Evaluation: Informal Letter of Introduction56
4.6Final Editing & Revising (pptx)57,8
§5. Reading Scientific Literature
5.1§5 Overview (pptx)58
4.1Evaluation: Cover Letter and Resume610
5.2Evaluation: Reading Speed Trial Pre-Test610
5.3Verbs & Formality (pptx)610*
5.4Skimming and Scanning (Pt 1)(pptx)611*
5.4Skimming and Scanning (Pt 2)(pptx)712*, 13*
5.5Chinglish, English and Englese (pptx)714*
5.6Reading Journals and Textbooks (pptx)815
5.7Learning from Mistakes(pptx)916*8
5.2Evaluation: Reading Speed Trial Post-Test-17*
* Additional reading from supplementary textbook or Handouts. One long article per class. Prepare before. Read aloud. Discuss synonyms. Questions.