God said, "Let there be light," and there was light... It was good. Mission: Deliver dynamic whites light to provide the God-given benefits of sunlight for dementia sufferers
Invited Talk (November 14, 2023) CIE Taiwan
"24-hour dynamic lighting system for patients with dementia: from research and development, design, implementation to feedback" 失智症患者24小時動態照明系統:從研發動機、設計、實行到回饋" Prof. Jonathon White discusses the implementations in Canada along with feedback from the Alzheimers Society.
"The New Reality: How Tech is helping Canadians Living with Dementia"
Global News (May 6, 2023) Segment introduces dynamic WhitesLight and associated technologies at Ressam Gardens from 6:57 onwards (View on Global News Website)
"Implementation of Dynamic Lighting to Aid Sleep Patterns of Persons Living with Dementia"
Prof. Jonathon White discusses the principles of dynamic lighting and our implementation in Taiwan. View Recording of Lecture on YouTube