God said, "Let there be light," and there was light... It was good. Mission: Deliver dynamic whites light to provide the God-given benefits of sunlight for dementia sufferers
Explanation of the Motivation and Science by Dr Jonathon White
Accessing the Impact of Dynamic Lighting on Individuals with Dementia
Bao Le, Aien Charity Grace White, Apoorv Chaudhari, Nafia AL-Mutawaly, Janette Elaine White, Wai-Keung Lee, Yeh-Liang Hsu, and Jonathon David White, "Dynamic white lighting to aid sleep and vision for persons living with dementia using off-the-shelf LED strips," Opt. Express 29, 38606-38614 (2021) (Note: There is an absence of papers designing actual systems. Experiments are using portable lamps or light boxes that can vary spectrum and intensity in a specific place. The idea is that in a home/institutional setting, the patient will primarily be in one place. This is not helpful for mobile patients.